import '../../scss/utils/_scrollbar.scss';
class ScrollBar {
* @class
* @constructor
* @summary Custom JavaScript ScrollBar for any conatiner
* @author Arthur Beaulieu
* @since January 2022
* @licence GPL-v3.0
* @description Build a custom ScrollBar according to the given DOM target, inspired from <3
* @param {Object} options - The ScrollBar options
* @param {Object} - The DOM node to add a ScrollBar to
* @param {Boolean} [options.horizontal=false] - The scrollbar direction, default to vertical
* @param {Number} [options.minSize=15] - The minimal scrollbar size in pixels
* @param {Object} [] - The scrollbar style to apply
* @param {String} ['rgb(155, 155, 155)'] - The CSS color
* @param {String} ['10px'] - The scrollbar with or height in px depending on horizontal flag
* @param {String} ['5px'] - The border radius in px, by default is half the scrollbar width
* @param {String} ['.2'] - The scrollbar opacity when not hovered
* @param {String} ['.8'] - The scrollbar opacity when hovered
* @param {String} ['.2'] - The opacity transition duration in seconds
constructor(options) {
* The DOM target element to put a scrollbar on
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._target =;
* Whether the scrollbar should be horizontal or not
* @type {Boolean}
* @private
this._horizontal = options.horizontal || false;
* The minimal size in pixels for scrollbar to be
* @type {Number}
* @private
this._minSize = options.minSize || 15;
* Optionnal custom style object. Support for color, size, radius, lowOpacity, highOpacity and transitionDuration
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._style = || {};
* The DOM element that will wrap the DOM target content
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._wrapper = {};
* The DOM element that will contain the DOM target content, this DOM element hides the default browser scrollbar
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._container = {};
* The DOM element that hold the custom scrollbar itself
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._bar = {};
* Ratio between DOM target and content size, if < 1, it requires a scrollbar
* @type {Number}
* @private
this._scrollRatio = 0;
* For horizontal scroll, save the last user X position for position computations
* @type {Number}
* @private
this._lastPageX = 0;
* For vertical scroll, save the last user Y position for position computations
* @type {Number}
* @private
this._lastPageY = 0;
// Component initialization sequence
// ======================================================================== //
// ---------------------- Component initialization ------------------------ //
// ======================================================================== //
* @method
* @name _init
* @private
* @memberof ScrollBar
* @author Arthur Beaulieu
* @since January 2022
* @description Build DOM hierrarchy, ScrollBar double wraps the content to append its custom bar
* @returns {Promise} A Js promise resolved when DOM is fully initialized
_init() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Creating associated elements (wrapper, container, bar)
this._wrapper = document.createElement('DIV');
this._wrapper.setAttribute('class', 'scrollbar-wrapper');
this._container = document.createElement('DIV');
// Append scroll-content class to container
if (this._horizontal === true) {
this._container.setAttribute('class', 'horizontal-scrollbar-content');
} else {
this._container.setAttribute('class', 'scrollbar-content');
// Move target children into this new container
while (this._target.firstChild) {
// Link DOM elements
// Append fragment to DOM target
// Append the scroll depending on scrollbar position
if (this._horizontal === true) {
this._target.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="horizontal-scroll"></div>'); // Append scroll as last child
} else {
this._target.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="scroll"></div>'); // Append scroll as last child
// Save bar from previously added scroll element
this._bar = this._target.lastChild;
// Style update if user has specified style rules of its own = this._style;
// DOM initialization is done
* @method
* @name _events
* @private
* @memberof ScrollBar
* @author Arthur Beaulieu
* @since January 2022
* @description Handle ScrollBar mouse events
* @returns {Promise} A Js promise resolved when all events are registered
_events() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// Methods auto binding with this to be able to add/remove listeners easily
this._drag = this._drag.bind(this);
this._stopDrag = this._stopDrag.bind(this);
// Listen to window events or container/scrollbar events
window.addEventListener('resize', this._updateScrollBar.bind(this));
this._container.addEventListener('scroll', this._updateScrollBar.bind(this));
this._container.addEventListener('mouseenter', this._updateScrollBar.bind(this));
this._bar.addEventListener('mousedown', this._barClicked.bind(this));
// Scrollbar is now ready to be used
// ======================================================================== //
// ----------------------- Dragging mouse events -------------------------- //
// ======================================================================== //
* @method
* @name _barClicked
* @private
* @memberof ScrollBar
* @author Arthur Beaulieu
* @since January 2022
* @description Add document events when bar is clicked to track the mouse movement in parent
* @param {Object} event - The Mouse event from this._events()
_barClicked(event) {
if (this._horizontal === true) {
this._lastPageX = event.pageX;
} else {
this._lastPageY = event.pageY;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this._drag);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this._stopDrag);
* @method
* @name _drag
* @private
* @memberof ScrollBar
* @author Arthur Beaulieu
* @since January 2022
* @description Handle the drag animation of the bar
* @param {Object} event - The Mouse event from this._events()
_drag(event) {
if (this._horizontal === true) {
const delta = event.pageX - this._lastPageX;
this._lastPageX = event.pageX;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this._container.scrollLeft += (delta / this._scrollRatio);
} else {
const delta = event.pageY - this._lastPageY;
this._lastPageY = event.pageY;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this._container.scrollTop += (delta / this._scrollRatio);
* @method
* @name _stopDrag
* @private
* @memberof ScrollBar
* @author Arthur Beaulieu
* @since January 2022
* @description Remove document events when bar is released
_stopDrag() {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._drag);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._stopDrag);
// ======================================================================== //
// ----------------- Internal size and position update -------------------- //
// ======================================================================== //
* @method
* @name _updateScrollBar
* @private
* @memberof ScrollBar
* @author Arthur Beaulieu
* @since January 2022
* @description Compute bar position according to DOM measurements
_updateScrollBar() {
if (this._horizontal === true) {
} else {
_updateHorizontalScroll() {
const totalWidth = this._container.scrollWidth;
const ownWidth = this._container.clientWidth;
const bottom = (this._target.clientHeight - this._bar.clientHeight) * -1;
this._scrollRatio = ownWidth / totalWidth;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Hide scrollbar if no scrolling is possible
if (this._scrollRatio >= 1) {
} else {
let width = (Math.max(this._scrollRatio * 100, this._minSize) * ownWidth) / 100;
let left = ((this._container.scrollLeft / totalWidth) * 100) * ownWidth / 100;
// ScrollBar has reached its minimum size
if (Math.max(this._scrollRatio * 100, this._minSize) === this._minSize) {
// Set minSize as width, unless minSize is greater than container client width
width = (this._minSize < ownWidth) ? this._minSize : ownWidth / 2;
/* Here is a complex thing : scroll total height != DOM node total height. We must substract
a growing percentage (as user goes down) that is scaled after total scroll progress in %. */
const scrollProgressPercentage = (this._container.scrollLeft * 100) / (totalWidth - ownWidth);
left = ((ownWidth - width) * (((this._container.scrollLeft + (scrollProgressPercentage * ownWidth) / 100) / totalWidth) * 100)) / 100;
// Update the bar position
this._bar.classList.remove('hidden'); = `width: ${width}px; left: ${left}px; bottom: ${bottom}px;`;
_updateVerticalScroll() {
const totalHeight = this._container.scrollHeight;
const ownHeight = this._container.clientHeight;
const right = (this._target.clientWidth - this._bar.clientWidth) * -1;
this._scrollRatio = ownHeight / totalHeight;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Hide scrollbar if no scrolling is possible
if (this._scrollRatio >= 1) {
this._bar.classList.add('hidden'); = '';
} else {
let height = (Math.max(this._scrollRatio * 100, this._minSize) * ownHeight) / 100;
let top = ((this._container.scrollTop / totalHeight) * 100) * ownHeight / 100;
// ScrollBar has reached its minimum size
if (Math.max(this._scrollRatio * 100, this._minSize) === this._minSize) {
// Set minSize as height, unless minSize is greater than container client height
height = (this._minSize < ownHeight) ? this._minSize : ownHeight / 2;
/* Here is a complex thing : scroll total height != DOM node total height. We must substract
a growing percentage (as user goes down) that is scaled after total scroll progress in %. */
const scrollProgressPercentage = (this._container.scrollTop * 100) / (totalHeight - ownHeight);
top = ((ownHeight - height) * (((this._container.scrollTop + (scrollProgressPercentage * ownHeight) / 100) / totalHeight) * 100)) / 100;
// Update the bar position
this._bar.classList.remove('hidden'); = `height: ${height}px; top: ${top}px; right: ${right}px;`;
// ======================================================================== //
// -------------------------- Exposed methods ----------------------------- //
// ======================================================================== //
* @method
* @name updateScrollbar
* @public
* @memberof ScrollBar
* @author Arthur Beaulieu
* @since January 2022
* @description Manually update the scrollbar
updateScrollbar() {
* Updates the scrollbar style. Support for color, size, radius, lowOpacity, highOpacity and transitionDuration
* @param {Object} style
set style(style) {
this._style = style;
if (this._style.color) {'--scroll-color', this._style.color);
if (this._style.size) {'--scroll-size', this._style.size);
if (this._style.radius) {'--scroll-radius', this._style.radius);
if (this._style.lowOpacity) {'--scroll-low-opacity', this._style.lowOpacity);
if (this._style.highOpacity) {'--scroll-high-opacity', this._style.highOpacity);
if (this._style.transitionDuration) {'--scroll-transition-duration', this._style.transitionDuration);
export default ScrollBar;